patch for switching to resolution 1920x1080 (Full HD) Attached (16.37 MB) patch for switching to resolution 1280x720 (HD) Attached (15.18 MB) with updated logo and TWRP recovery (version 3.1.1-1 ) thanks to scriptes for the work thanks to FOV5 for helping build TWRP, the upgrade was done using the old version of TWRP from the header A patch for switching to a resolution of 1920x1080 (Full HD) and back to 1280x720 (HD) - all in one. The patch also adds support for init.d and a script for GPU overclocking (the parameter in / sys / class / mpgpu / cur_freq becomes 742) for better rendering of the interface (besides the init.d script, edits were also made in dtb.img (thanks for the Ged_sh tip , ) and added the corresponding lines to build.prop). 1. Install (13.87 MB) You can use the built-in utility Update & Backup. 2.1. Run (5.3 MB) - the interface resolution (and recovery) will become 1920x1080 (Full HD) 2.2. Re-running the patch will set the resolution to 1280x720 (HD)* Attached file Attached file The archive created in the root directory will return everything as it was.