With the information that the firmware on Android 9 TX6_H6_9_4Gddr_8822bs_20190416 asks for activation and receiving by the user of dortmundez a code from the seller, to enter the activation menu, try the activation method like Tanix TX5. For this way thanks surkov.alex . 01.Open in the browser we delete the entire code in the window and copy the code from there or the text from the file Attached fileTX6.txt (10.46 KB) 02. В at the end of the code, we find the line System.out.println (new SyncTask (). sync ("0A-0B-0C-0D-0E-0F"). substring (0, 8) .toLowerCase ()); and place "0A-0B-0C-0D-0E-0F"insert the MAC address of your tv box. We insert it in this form and write the letters in capital, English keyboard layout! 03. Press the green Run at the bottom of the code, the script is executed and at the bottom of the page, under the inscription stdout, we get our activation code. Save it. 04.Nabiraem remote tv box numbers 758 523 and we see on the TV screen activation window. Enter the code in the Code field above and click on SET. We wait for a response on the successful activation and observe the disappearance of the inscription "This device is not activated, please contact your vendor ....." b296ed88 /* package whatever; // don't place package name! */ import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; import*; class SyncTask { static final byte[] PADDING = new byte[]{Byte.MIN_VALUE, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0}; static final int S11 = 7; static final int S12 = 12; static final int S13 = 17; static final int S14 = 22; static final int S21 = 5; static final int S22 = 9; static final int S23 = 14; static final int S24 = 20; static final int S31 = 4; static final int S32 = 11; static final int S33 = 16; static final int S34 = 23; static final int S41 = 6; static final int S42 = 10; static final int S43 = 15; static final int S44 = 21; private byte[] buffer = new byte[64]; private long[] count = new long[2]; private byte[] digest = new byte[16]; public String digestHexStr; private long[] state = new long[4]; public String sync(String inbuf) { syncinit(); syncupdate(inbuf.getBytes(), inbuf.length()); syncfinal(); this.digestHexStr = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.append(this.digestHexStr); stringBuilder.append(byteHEX(this.digest[i])); this.digestHexStr = stringBuilder.toString(); } return this.digestHexStr; } public void compute() { syncinit(); } private void syncinit() { this.count[0] = 0; this.count[1] = 0; this.state[0] = 1665475329; this.state[1] = 4023233417L; this.state[2] = 2561989886L; this.state[3] = 271733878; } /* renamed from: F */ private long m3F(long x, long y, long z) { return (x & y) | ((x ^ -1) & z); } /* renamed from: G */ private long m4G(long x, long y, long z) { return (x & z) | (y & (z ^ -1)); } /* renamed from: H */ private long m5H(long x, long y, long z) { return (x ^ y) ^ z; } /* renamed from: I */ private long m6I(long x, long y, long z) { return y ^ (x | (z ^ -1)); } private long FF(long a, long b, long c, long d, long x, long s, long ac) { long j = s; long a2 = a + ((m3F(b, c, d) + x) + ac); return ((long) ((((int) a2) << ((int) j)) | (((int) a2) >>> ((int) (32 - j))))) + b; } private long GG(long a, long b, long c, long d, long x, long s, long ac) { long j = s; long a2 = a + ((m4G(b, c, d) + x) + ac); return ((long) ((((int) a2) << ((int) j)) | (((int) a2) >>> ((int) (32 - j))))) + b; } private long HH(long a, long b, long c, long d, long x, long s, long ac) { long j = s; long a2 = a + ((m5H(b, c, d) + x) + ac); return ((long) ((((int) a2) << ((int) j)) | (((int) a2) >>> ((int) (32 - j))))) + b; } private long II(long a, long b, long c, long d, long x, long s, long ac) { long j = s; long a2 = a + ((m6I(b, c, d) + x) + ac); return ((long) ((((int) a2) << ((int) j)) | (((int) a2) >>> ((int) (32 - j))))) + b; } private void syncupdate(byte[] inbuf, int inputLen) { int i; int i2 = inputLen; byte[] block = new byte[64]; int index = ((int) (this.count[0] >>> 3)) & 63; long[] jArr = this.count; long j = jArr[0] + ((long) (i2 << 3)); jArr[0] = j; if (j < ((long) (i2 << 3))) { jArr = this.count; jArr[1] = jArr[1] + 1; } jArr = this.count; jArr[1] = jArr[1] + ((long) (i2 >>> 29)); int partLen = 64 - index; if (i2 >= partLen) { syncMemcopy(this.buffer, inbuf, index, 0, partLen); syncTransform(this.buffer); int i3 = partLen; while (true) { i = i3; if (i + 63 >= i2) { break; } syncMemcopy(block, inbuf, 0, i, 64); syncTransform(block); i3 = i + 64; } index = 0; } else { i = 0; } syncMemcopy(this.buffer, inbuf, index, i, i2 - i); } private void syncfinal() { byte[] bits = new byte[8]; Encode(bits, this.count, 8); int index = ((int) (this.count[0] >>> 3)) & 63; syncupdate(PADDING, index < 56 ? 56 - index : 120 - index); syncupdate(bits, 8); Encode(this.digest, this.state, 16); } private void syncMemcopy(byte[] output, byte[] input, int outpos, int inpos, int len) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { output[outpos + i] = input[inpos + i]; } } private void syncTransform(byte[] block) { long a = this.state[0]; long b = this.state[1]; long c = this.state[2]; long d = this.state[3]; long[] x = new long[16]; Decode(x, block, 64); long[] x2 = x; a = FF(a, b, c, d, x[0], 7, 3614090360L); d = FF(d, a, b, c, x2[1], 12, 3905402710L); c = FF(c, d, a, b, x2[2], 17, 606105819); b = FF(b, c, d, a, x2[3], 22, 3250441966L); a = FF(a, b, c, d, x2[4], 7, 4118548399L); d = FF(d, a, b, c, x2[5], 12, 1200080426); c = FF(c, d, a, b, x2[6], 17, 2821735955L); b = FF(b, c, d, a, x2[7], 22, 4249261313L); a = FF(a, b, c, d, x2[8], 7, 1770035416); d = FF(d, a, b, c, x2[9], 12, 2336552879L); c = FF(c, d, a, b, x2[10], 17, 4294925233L); b = FF(b, c, d, a, x2[11], 22, 2304563134L); a = FF(a, b, c, d, x2[12], 7, 1804603682); d = FF(d, a, b, c, x2[13], 12, 4254626195L); c = FF(c, d, a, b, x2[14], 17, 2792965006L); b = FF(b, c, d, a, x2[15], 22, 1236535329); a = GG(a, b, c, d, x2[1], 5, 4129170786L); d = GG(d, a, b, c, x2[6], 9, 3225465664L); c = GG(c, d, a, b, x2[11], 14, 643717713); b = GG(b, c, d, a, x2[0], 20, 3921069994L); a = GG(a, b, c, d, x2[5], 5, 3593408605L); d = GG(d, a, b, c, x2[10], 9, 38016083); c = GG(c, d, a, b, x2[15], 14, 3634488961L); b = GG(b, c, d, a, x2[4], 20, 3889429448L); a = GG(a, b, c, d, x2[9], 5, 568446438); d = GG(d, a, b, c, x2[14], 9, 3275163606L); c = GG(c, d, a, b, x2[3], 14, 4107603335L); b = GG(b, c, d, a, x2[8], 20, 1163531501); a = GG(a, b, c, d, x2[13], 5, 2850285829L); d = GG(d, a, b, c, x2[2], 9, 4243563512L); c = GG(c, d, a, b, x2[7], 14, 1735328473); b = GG(b, c, d, a, x2[12], 20, 2368359562L); a = HH(a, b, c, d, x2[5], 4, 4294588738L); d = HH(d, a, b, c, x2[8], 11, 2272392833L); c = HH(c, d, a, b, x2[11], 16, 1839030562); b = HH(b, c, d, a, x2[14], 23, 4259657740L); a = HH(a, b, c, d, x2[1], 4, 2763975236L); d = HH(d, a, b, c, x2[4], 11, 1272893353); c = HH(c, d, a, b, x2[7], 16, 4139469664L); b = HH(b, c, d, a, x2[10], 23, 3200236656L); a = HH(a, b, c, d, x2[13], 4, 681279174); d = HH(d, a, b, c, x2[0], 11, 3936430074L); c = HH(c, d, a, b, x2[3], 16, 3572445317L); b = HH(b, c, d, a, x2[6], 23, 76029189); a = HH(a, b, c, d, x2[9], 4, 3654602809L); d = HH(d, a, b, c, x2[12], 11, 3873151461L); c = HH(c, d, a, b, x2[15], 16, 530742520); b = HH(b, c, d, a, x2[2], 23, 3299628645L); a = II(a, b, c, d, x2[0], 6, 4096336452L); d = II(d, a, b, c, x2[7], 10, 1126891415); c = II(c, d, a, b, x2[14], 15, 2878612391L); b = II(b, c, d, a, x2[5], 21, 4237533241L); a = II(a, b, c, d, x2[12], 6, 1700485571); d = II(d, a, b, c, x2[3], 10, 2399980690L); c = II(c, d, a, b, x2[10], 15, 4293915773L); b = II(b, c, d, a, x2[1], 21, 2240044497L); a = II(a, b, c, d, x2[8], 6, 1873313359); d = II(d, a, b, c, x2[15], 10, 4264355552L); c = II(c, d, a, b, x2[6], 15, 2734768916L); b = II(b, c, d, a, x2[13], 21, 1309151649); a = II(a, b, c, d, x2[4], 6, 4149444226L); d = II(d, a, b, c, x2[11], 10, 3174756917L); c = II(c, d, a, b, x2[2], 15, 718787259); long b2 = II(b, c, d, a, x2[9], 21, 3951481745L); long[] jArr = this.state; jArr[0] = jArr[0] + a; jArr = this.state; jArr[1] = jArr[1] + b2; jArr = this.state; jArr[2] = jArr[2] + c; jArr = this.state; jArr[3] = jArr[3] + d; } private void Encode(byte[] output, long[] input, int len) { int i = 0; for (int j = 0; j < len; j += 4) { output[j] = (byte) ((int) (input[i] & 255)); output[j + 1] = (byte) ((int) ((input[i] >>> 8) & 255)); output[j + 2] = (byte) ((int) ((input[i] >>> 16) & 255)); output[j + 3] = (byte) ((int) ((input[i] >>> 24) & 255)); i++; } } private void Decode(long[] output, byte[] input, int len) { int i = 0; for (int j = 0; j < len; j += 4) { output[i] = ((b2iu(input[j]) | (b2iu(input[j + 1]) << 8)) | (b2iu(input[j + 2]) << 16)) | (b2iu(input[j + 3]) << 24); i++; } } public static long b2iu(byte b) { return b < (byte) 0 ? (long) (b & 255) : (long) b; } public static String byteHEX(byte ib) { char[] Digit = new char[]{'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'}; return new String(new char[]{Digit[(ib >>> 4) & 15], Digit[ib & 15]}); } public static boolean syncNow2() { return true; } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(new SyncTask().sync("04-81-90-11-78-8F").substring(0, 8).toLowerCase()); } }