Change of parameters of Tanix TX6 firmware on Android 7 I decided to share my experience on how to change some of the parameters of boxing that affect speed, stability and picture quality. This is done by writing to the system / build.prop file and by scripts that are executed from the system / etc / init.d folder. This is a long-used practice in many Android devices. Just for everyone has its own specifics. To facilitate this whole process, I collected everything I needed into three archives, which we are stitching through TWRP. We do everything according to the instructions: # Instruction 01. Download three archives for firmware Attached (2.44 KB) Attached (133.12 KB) Attached (2.19 KB) and throw them on a USB flash drive. 02. Reboot to TWRP and take turns (;; to install them. 03. After flashing the last archive, clean Dalvik / Cache and reboot into the system. The first start lasts longer. The first archive we created was a folder for the system / etc / init.d scripts and gave it the necessary rights. The second archive filled this folder with scripts and the third made the necessary entries in the system / build.prop file and next created a backup of this file - build.prop.backup. # What has changed in the system? The system / etc / init.d folder for running scripts was flashed. Reduced noise reduction. Increased color saturation. Fixed ts thread errors. Creating a temporary folder in RAM mht / temp. Zipalign apps in "/ system" and "/ data" every 24 hours. Increase the read-ahead SD card cache to 2048 KB. Media Server Killer. Google DNS. Changed TCP saturation control algorithm to westwood (useful for Wi-Fi). Butanimation is disabled, to speed up the start of the system. The data input / output scheduler is set to noop mode. Disabled I / O statistics. Improved detail (edge). # How to refuse it? If it seemed to you that the system works worse and you want to roll back, just go to the system / etc / init.d folder and delete all the files from there. And also just change the files system / build.prop and system / build.prop.backup and reboot the system. If someone, after applying the scripts, constantly loses the clock format (12-24) on the box indicator, open the system / build.prop file with a text editor, find debug.sf.nobootanimation = 1 instead of 1, set 0 and reboot the box. Updated 2019.03.29 Who put the scripts before this date, to update go to the system / etc / init.d folder - delete everything, copy new scripts from this archive and reboot the box Attached fileinit.d.rar (2.73 KB) # A few simple tips 01. To increase the speed and responsiveness of the interface, we go to the section for developers and there Animation of windows, Animation of transitions, Duration of animation - we put everything Without animation. Turn on GPU - acceleration. 02. We remove the autostart applications from autoload. This can be done by a program like Attached fileMemory + Booster + Full + v7.1.4.apk (3.37 MB). We install it, run it and go to the Startup Boost section and remove all applications from the autorun. We leave only such programs as different monitoring of resources and AceStreamMedia or Noxbit. 03. We get rid of logging. Go to / data / system / dropbox - delete all files from this folder and give the folder itself the rights to 0000 so that nothing more is written there