Minix original ir remote has a few buttons. Thus we want to need a lot fuctions with remote. I will explain add new remote on x8hplus. I use new remote (ir) We can use old amlogic box remotes. for this 1-need to be rooted device 2-terminal emulator 3-ESexplorer ********************** Code: * dmesg : Where you will get your information * Remotecfg : Used to load new Remote.conf files and checking for errors in them * /system/etc/Remote.conf : File which maps your remote scan codes to linux key codes * /system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_0001_Product_0001.kl : File which turns Linux Key codes to Android Key codes for the Amlogic IR device open ESexplorer goto and open /system/etc/remote.conf after modifiye this line Code: #amlogic NEC remote factory_code = 0xfe010001 work_mode = 0 repeat_enable = 1 repeat_delay = 40 repeat_peroid = 50 release_delay = 100 debug_enable = 0 to Code: #amlogic NEC remote factory_code = 0xfe010001 work_mode = 0 repeat_enable = 1 repeat_delay = 40 repeat_peroid = 50 release_delay = 100 debug_enable = 1 after we can look remote scan codes start to terminal write su after write dmesg -c (for clean dmesg) - Click remote buttons respectively. write dmesg | grep "code is 0x" see the following code for the button (in the example, OK) Wrong custom code is 0xaabbcccc scan code is bb for example: open remote cfg you can look below key_begin 0x47 105 #DPAD_LEFT our remote send scancode 0x47 to ourbox ourbox known with remote.conf (What is mean 0x47) key 105