#********************************************************************************************************* #this file is configuration for each factory remote device # work_mode 0 :software mode 1 :hardware mode # repeat_enable 0 :disable repeat 1 :enable repeat # # factory_code each device has it's unique factory code. # pattern:custom_code(16bit)+index_code(16bit) # examble: 0xff000001 = 0xff00(custom cod) 0001 (index) # # release_delay unit:ms.release will report from kernel to user layer after this period of time # from press or repeat triggered. # # debug_enable 0 :debug disable 1 :debug disable # # SW MODE: # bit_count how many bits in each frame # tw_leader_act time window for leader active # tw_bit0 time window for bit0 time. # tw_bit1 time window for bit1 time # tw_repeat_leader time window for repeat leader # REG # reg_base_gen set value for PREG_IR_DEC_BASE_GEN # reg_control set value for PREG_IR_DEC_CONTROL # reg_leader_act set value for PREG_IR_DEC_LEADER_ACTIVE # reg_leader_idle set value for PREG_IR_DEC_LEADER_IDLE # reg_repeat_leader set value for PREG_IR_DEC_REPEAT_IDLE # reg_bit0_time set value for PREG_IR_DEC_BIT0_TIME #************************************************************************************************************* #amlogic NEC remote work_mode = 0 repeat_enable = 1 repeat_delay = 130 repeat_peroid = 120 release_delay = 20 debug_enable = 1 # ************** Tanix Remotes with 4040 ID ************** custom_begin factory_infcode = 0 factory_code = 0x40400001 fn_key_scancode = 0x47 left_key_scancode = 0x10 right_key_scancode = 0x11 up_key_scancode = 0x0b down_key_scancode = 0x0e ok_key_scancode = 0x0d mouse_begin 0 0x10 1 0x11 2 0x0b 3 0x0e mouse_end key_begin 0x43 113 #MUTE 0x01 2 #No.1 0x02 3 #No.2 0x03 4 #No.3 0x04 5 #No.4 0x05 6 #No.5 0x06 7 #No.6 0x07 8 #No.7 0x08 9 #No.8 0x09 10 #No.9 0x00 11 #N0.0 0x45 125 #MENU 0x42 1 #BACK/EXIT 0x0d 97 #ENTER/OK 0x10 105 #LEFT 0x0b 103 #UP 0x0e 108 #DOWN 0x11 106 #RIGHT 0x18 115 #VOL+ 0x17 114 #VOL- 0x0c 14 #DEL 0x4d 116 #Power 0x1a 102 #home 0x53 119 #media_pause 0x44 52 #period 0x1e 123 #MEDIA_NEXT 0x1f 122 #MEDIA_PREVIOUS 0xf1 140 #F10/factory_test 0x54 150 #setting 0x57 151 #PROG_YELLOW/EXPLORER 0x5b 152 #PROG_BLUE/MUSIC 0x5c 153 #ALLAPP 0x5d 154 #MEDIAPLAY 0x5e 159 #KODI 0x66 217 #SEARCHSEARCH key_end repeat_key_begin 0x43 113 #MUTE 0x01 2 #No.1 0x02 3 #No.2 0x03 4 #No.3 0x04 5 #No.4 0x05 6 #No.5 0x06 7 #No.6 0x07 8 #No.7 0x08 9 #No.8 0x09 10 #No.9 0x00 11 #N0.0 0x45 125 #MENU 0x42 1 #BACK/EXIT 0x0d 97 #ENTER/OK 0x10 105 #LEFT 0xg 103 #UP 0x0e 108 #DOWN 0x11 106 #RIGHT 0x18 115 #VOL+ 0x17 114 #VOL- 0x0c 14 #DEL 0x4d 116 #Power 0x1a 102 #home 0x44 52 #period 0x1e 120 #MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD 0x1f 121 #MEDIA_REWIND 0x54 150 #setting 0x57 151 #PROG_YELLOW/EXPLORER 0x5b 152 #PROG_BLUE/MUSIC 0x5c 153 #ALLAPP 0x5d 154 #MEDIAPLAY 0x5e 159 #KODI 0x66 217 #SEARCHSEARCH repeat_key_end custom_end # ************** Beelink White-Key Remote with 7f80 ID ************** custom_begin factory_infcode = 1 factory_code = 0x7f800001 fn_key_scancode = 0x52 left_key_scancode = 0x25 right_key_scancode = 0x27 up_key_scancode = 0x26 down_key_scancode = 0x28 ok_key_scancode = 0x0d mouse_begin 0 0x25 1 0x27 2 0x26 3 0x28 mouse_end key_begin 0x4d 113 0x56 114 0x4e 115 0x25 105 0x26 103 0x27 106 0x28 108 0x0d 97 0x1b 158 0x53 102 0x51 704 0x49 139 0x52 63 0x31 2 0x32 3 0x33 4 0x34 5 0x35 6 0x36 7 0x37 8 0x38 9 0x39 10 0x30 11 0x58 288 0x44 14 0xbd 122 0xbb 123 0x09 292 0x11 289 0x54 290 0x4f 291 0x41 177 #PgUp 0x42 178 #PgDwn 0xbc 154 #MEDIAPLAY. Media on Remote. Not needed. Change to Yellow 0x40 150 #settings. Settings on Remote. Not needed. Change to Blue key_end repeat_key_begin 0x4d 113 0x56 114 0x4e 115 0x25 105 0x26 103 0x27 106 0x28 108 0x0d 97 0x1b 158 0x53 102 0x51 704 0x49 139 0x52 63 0x31 2 0x32 3 0x33 4 0x34 5 0x35 6 0x36 7 0x37 8 0x38 9 0x39 10 0x30 11 0x58 288 0x44 14 0xbd 122 0xbb 123 0x09 292 0x11 289 0x54 290 0x4f 291 0x41 177 #PgUp 0x42 178 #PgDwn 0xbc 154 #MEDIAPLAY. Media on Remote. Not needed. Change to Yellow 0x40 150 #settings. Settings on Remote. Not needed. Change to Blue repeat_key_end custom_end #OLD 1st Gen VMedia IR (only) remote. Use to add colored buttons custom_begin factory_infcode = 2 factory_code = 0xbd020001 fn_key_scancode = 0x5c left_key_scancode = 0x0e right_key_scancode = 0x1a up_key_scancode = 0x03 down_key_scancode = 0x02 ok_key_scancode = 0x07 key_begin 0x1a 116 ;POWER 0xa4 113 ;MUTE ;0xb7 76 ;F4 ;0xb8 77 ;F5 ;0xb9 64 ;F6 ;0xba 65 ;F7 0xb7 252 ;PROG_RED 0xb8 249 ;PROG_GREEN 0xb9 250 ;PROG_YELLOW 0xba 251 ;PROG_BLUE 0x59 121 ;MEDIA_REWIND 0x55 119 ;MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE 0x5a 120 ;MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD 0x03 102 ;HOME 0x13 103 ;DPAD_UP 0x14 108 ;DPAD_DOWN 0x15 105 ;DPAD_LEFT 0x16 106 ;DPAD_RIGHT 0x42 28 ;ENTER 0x04 15 ;BACK 0x52 125 ;MENU 0x18 115 ;VOLUME_UP 0x19 114 ;VOLUME_DOWN 0xa6 177 ;CHANNEL_UP 0xa7 178 ;CHANNEL_DOWN 0x08 0x02 ;NUM1 0x09 0x03 ;NUM2 0x0a 0x04 ;NUM3 0x0b 0x05 ;NUM4 0x0c 0x06 ;NUM5 0x0d 0x07 ;NUM6 0x0e 0x08 ;NUM7 0x0f 0x09 ;NUM8 0x10 0x0A ;NUM9 0x38 52 ;PERIOD 0x07 0x0B ;NUM0 0x43 14 ;DEL 0x17 28 ;ENTER key_end custom_end